March 25, 2024
Did you know that falls are the leading cause of injury in people 65 and older?
- Approximately 3 million seniors are treated for injuries caused by a fall
- About 20 percent of falls lead to head injuries in seniors.
- Most hip fractures in older people are caused by an accidental tumble.
- About 30,000 seniors have a fatal fall each year, making falls the leading
cause of accidental death in seniors.
These statistics are scary, but there are things we can do to help prevent falls from happening. First, talk to your doctor about having a senior falls risk assessment done and ask them for recommendations on protecting you based on the evaluation. If you’re not quite ready for a professional’s opinion, try these helpful tips to keep you on your feet.
- Physical activity can keep your body strong. Walking, light exercises, and swimming are great ways to strengthen your muscles and help improve your balance.
- Use a rubber mat in the shower to avoid slips on a wet surface. Always keep a hand or body part on the shower wall to keep you aware of your body placement.
- When getting up from a lying down position, take it slow. Put your feet on the floor and give yourself a few minutes to get your bearings before getting up to go.
- Wear nonslip shoes, even inside. If you don’t like wearing shoes inside, consider getting yourself a pair of nonslip socks to avoid any trouble.
- Take it slow in wet or icy conditions. Short steps can reduce the odds of slipping. Wear solid boots or shoes that have a good grip.
- Don’t rush. If your phone rings and you’re afraid you won’t be able to answer it in time, allow the machine to answer it and call them back once you reach the phone.
- Consider removing area rugs. These little carpets add a nice touch to our home, but they are also a major cause of trips and falls in the home environment.
- Make sure things you use daily are within easy reach. This way, you won’t have to struggle to reach for an item you need.
- Consider using aids to help you around the house, such as grab bars in the bathroom or a bed rail to keep you snugged up in your bed all night long.