February 13, 2024
Our feet are essential. They do all the walking and get us where we need to go each day. We need to ensure that we’re taking good care of our feet. We want to avoid the different conditions you could get by not giving them the proper care they need. Suppose you already have troubles with your feet, like discoloured toenails, calluses, bunions, tingling, numbness, or any pain or swelling. In that case, you should seek a health care professional to look at them as soon as possible.
Just like other parts of the body, our feet age too. They’ve walked a lot in the last 65+ years that we’ve been alive. Here are some tips on how to properly care for your feet when you’re over the age of 65.
- Cleanse and moisturize feet daily – don’t forget to dry between the toes to prevent moisture build-up. Moisture can lead to fungal infections in the skin and toenails.
- Trim nails often and correctly – Don’t trim nails too short. Make sure to trim them straight across. You can use a nail file to curve the edges if you want. Many residents at MLP use a mobile foot care clinic every six weeks to care for their feet.
- Wear proper Footwear – Your shoes should be comfortable! Use wide-toed shoes or orthopedics if needed to have a comfortable walking experience.
- Circulation – Taking a little walk to get the blood flowing will help with circulation to your feet. Another helpful blood circulator is a foot massage! Next time you visit your loved one, offer them a relaxing foot massage!