
Benefits of Journaling as an Older Adult

Journaling has many benefits for every person, young or old, male or female. It is something our seniors can do that they can't get wrong because it's all based on their own opinions and experiences. Journaling has many benefits when practiced regularly, and there are various options for journaling. Technology in our day has made it easier to accommodate people who may have limited abilities. You can write with pen and paper or use voice to text on a computer or smartphone if arthritis has made it too painful to write manually. Three great benefits of journaling are as follows.

One of the most significant benefits of journaling is its stress-reducing effect. By writing about your thoughts or recent and past experiences, you can effectively purge negative thoughts from your system. This process not only brings better awareness to a situation but also helps you find meaning in the challenging emotions you face daily.

Journaling is not just a therapeutic activity; it's also a cognitive workout. The process of writing involves visualization, speech, memory, learning, and coordination, all of which help maintain brain function. As you jot down your thoughts and experiences, you're essentially helping your brain maintain neural connections, which are crucial for cognitive functioning and memory recall.

Journaling is an activity you can do to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness helps with emotional regulation and can bring you back into the present moment instead of dwelling on the past, giving us a more positive view of life. Journaling can help you understand why you have the opinions you do and can even help you empathize with other people's perspectives as you start to question why others may react a certain way about different situations.

Senior Activities in The County

The County is a great place to live, particularly when our seniors can age in place. That's why so many seniors come to the County after they retire. They look for a quiet little town where they can relax yet still have opportunities to be social and active. Prince Edward County is a treasure trove of activities for seniors, catering to a diverse range of interests. From golfing at the prestigious Picton Golf and Country Club to indoor walking paths for those who prefer a leisurely stroll, there's something for everyone.

The Wellington Lehigh Area offers indoor walking paths to keep our seniors active in the winter months. You can also walk the many paths at one of our local parks and trails. Seniors can participate in curling at the Picton Curling Club, cycling or swimming indoors at the Prince Edward Fitness and Aquatic Center, or walking and cycling outdoors on our millennium trails throughout The County.

There are also many excellent eateries around the area where you can socialize and meet up with friends. Even the volunteer opportunities in The County are endless. You could join the hospital auxiliary. At MLP, many new residents come to reside with us and end up reuniting with old friends years after working together at the auxiliary.

Specialized Transit in the County offers seniors door-to-door transportation to and from medical appointments, social events, and other outings. Make sure to call ahead to register. To use door-to-door service, you must be eligible for the specialized county transit services through Quinte Access.

Senior Activities for Mental Health

Mindfulness is the human ability to be in the present moment and being aware of what we're doing and who we are. Sometimes, it can be easy to allow little details of the day to cause all sorts of overwhelming emotions. It's good to take a step back and try to centre ourselves daily so we don't allow an abundance of emotions to overwhelm us and take over our thoughts, which could result in unwanted reactions. Mindfulness can help us stay positive.

Here are some easy, low-cost mindfulness activities you can do alone or with a group:

  • Colouring—You're never too old to colour, and many fun adult colouring options exist. Colouring requires focus and concentration and is relaxing for any age group.
  • Spend time in nature – Go for a nice walk on a local trail. Listening to the breeze blowing through the tree branches and the birds singing is relaxing. Sometimes, just listening to the waves crash on the shore can make you feel at ease.
  • Bingo – When playing bingo, you're focused on the numbers being called and looking to see if you have the right ones on your card. This is being in the present moment as you focus on what's happening around you.

Travelling over 60

Travelling over 60 can be quite an adventure for those who haven't seen the world yet. You don't have to worry about keeping the kids safe if they stay home, wondering if they're behaving for the babysitter or if the babysitter is taking good care of them. It can be a relaxing, worry-free experience because your kids are all grown up and typically have their kids to worry about. You've done your time, and now it's time to relax with a drink in your hand and your feet in the sand!

If you're feeling the need for a getaway, try travelling solo. Before you decide to jump foot-first into your solo adventure, talk to your doctor about any possible health concerns that may be a risk to your health. As with everything, there are many pros and cons to travelling alone.

The great advantage of solo travel is that it allows you to pursue your own interests at your own pace. Theres no need to worry about other people's schedules and missing out on an excellent opportunity to see parts of the world that interest you most. It can also be a great way to find yourself again after a challenging life experience. But travelling alone can also be risky. There are many people out there who take advantage of older people, so if you decide to travel alone, do your research before taking that leap. Many cruises specifically for seniors bring you to many different places around the world. There are also particular vacation locations for seniors that you could look into or ask a family member to help you find a place to make you feel safe and secure during your time away.

Empowering our Seniors

When people retire, their lives aren’t quite as busy as they once were, and they have much more time to do the things they take pride and pleasure in. Whether they live in their own home or in an assisted living facility, there are things we can encourage seniors to do to keep them busy and feel empowered. Helping them find a purpose or giving them an opportunity to help others can make them feel good. It gives them a reason to get up, get dressed and have a good day. Seniors are more likely to stay happy and healthy if they have something to look forward to daily.

One idea to suggest to a loved one is knitting or crocheting scarves, hats, and mittens for children in need. This gives our seniors a reason to pick up a new hobby and give back to the community. Many local churches in most areas would be happy to accept donations for warm winter items to give to kids and adults in need throughout the community. You could also ask the senior in your life to do something realistic within their abilities to help the family or the community and help them feel needed. Many seniors are usually happy to help.

At MLP, we have a seasonal garden that needs tending to. One of our residents always takes time from her weekend to ensure the garden gets watered daily. This helps our activities coordinator and the other residents who reside here who may not have the same capabilities, as they don’t have to worry about the garden drying up. She also loves to harvest the crops when they are ready for picking, keeping her busy with things that need to be completed in those warmer months.

Tips for our Aging Gardeners

Our bodies get older; it's inevitable, but that doesn't mean you have to stop doing what you love. It's that time of year again when we start thinking about what we want to plant in our gardens. No matter what age you are, gardening can be for anyone! Here are a few tips for seniors or anyone who may have difficulty bending and kneeling. These simple tips can help make gardening easy to start and even easier to tend to throughout the growing season.

  • Use raised garden beds or elevated planters to reduce the need for bending over. You could also grow plants vertically to help avoid bending or kneeling. Vertical planters are also a great option for those with minimal space for gardening. At MLP, we have raised garden beds so our residents can easily access the gardens for planting and harvesting.
  • Avoid using large, heavy bags of soil. Try using lightweight pre-mixed soil to avoid back injuries. If you have a lot of gardening and need a large quantity of soil, consider hiring a local gardener or landscaper to help with the heavy lifting.At MLP, our residents are assisted with the heavy lifting so that gardening can be enjoyable and relaxing.
  • Choose plants that require minimal pruning. If you choose plants that need pruning, wear protective gloves to protect your hands from thorns or prickly branches. At MLP, we provide our residents with gardening gloves and lightweight tools so they can garden with ease.

Random Facts on Aging

  • Gerontology is the name for studying aging's social, cultural, psychological, cognitive, and biological aspects.
  • Cataracts in the eyes (most common in seniors) are among the most common causes of blindness worldwide. This is due to a need for better vision care in our senior communities. Cataracts cause a progressively cloudy spot in the eye, which blocks light from passing through the lens to the retina at the back of the eye. Fortunately, with proper vision care, doctors can find and surgically remove the cataracts before it takes over your vision.
  • Researchers have named these five places: The Italian Island of Sardinia, Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, California; The Nicoya Peninsula, an isolated part of Costa Rica; and Ikaria, an isolated Greek island, the five "blue zones." Where people live similar lifestyles and, on average, tend to live longer than the rest of the world. We must note how these five communities have thrived over the years to live such long, healthy lives.
  • The average human life expectancy has almost doubled since the 1800's. Before scientific medical research evolved our world into what it is today, our life expectancy was sitting at about 45 years of age. Life expectancy began to rise, first with knowing how to use and access clean water, sanitation, and medicine, and now we've come so far as to have preventative vaccinations for terminal illnesses that have killed millions. In Canada, our life expectancy is, on average, 82 years old, but some live to be 100 years or more!

Advantages of Retirement Living

Retirement living is like living in a little neighbourhood. Many places, like MLP, provide the comfort of living in the privacy of your own apartment while having most of the essential things you need to keep you happy and healthy within a few steps from your front door. Many senior residences offer a variety of services right within the halls of the building.

At MLP, we have care staff on-site 24 hours a day to provide exceptional care to those who need it. Many places, like MLP, offer laundry and light housekeeping services, too. Our hair salon is open one day a week for the residents to get their hair cut, permed, or styled to keep them feeling their best. Our restaurant-style dining feels like going to breakfast, lunch, and dinner with your friends every day, and there’s always something going on in the recreation area to keep our residents socially happy.

Residents are encouraged to get out and try something new. Our activities include exercises, swimming, church service, bingo and more. We have paint classes, crafts, and monthly day trips where residents can get to know each other and form new friendships. Enjoy a movie with your friends and family on the big screen in our surround sound theatre every weekend. We also have a large game room with a pool table and a shuffleboard table. There are so many great advantages of living in a retirement home. With so many services and activities in the assisted living communities, you will surely thrive!

Activities for Memory Care in Senior Living

Memory care is quite an essential aspect for our aging seniors, especially those who have been diagnosed with dementia. Working the memory with sensory activities can help our seniors connect to an emotional place which otherwise may be inaccessible depending on the severity of dementia. Sensory activities typically go with trial and error, but it helps to know what the individual enjoys. There are several activities that we can do with our seniors that can support them in working the memory, but we’ve mentioned just a couple that we like so that you can try with your loved ones below.

  • Music – Music Therapy is a great way to help seniors with their cognitive state. It improves cognitive function, decreases depressive symptoms, and improves the quality of life in our seniors. Ask a family member what type of music brought them joy before dementia set in.
  • Aromatherapy – There are so many different scents that can connect our seniors to a happy emotional state. Using essential oils is a great way to help our seniors improve their sleep quality, reduce stress, manage pain, and improve symptoms of depression. Try experimenting with scents that are familiar and comforting to seniors. Baking and cooking are great ways to bring familiar scents to our seniors, which can be exceptionally comforting for most.

Dental Care for Seniors

Dental care is a crucial part of everyone’s overall health and well-being. That includes our seniors over the age of 65. We must ensure that our seniors have access to proper dental care and follow a consistent routine morning and evening. Like anyone else, seniors should have regular dental checkups. For seniors on a lower income, there are supports in place in Ontario that can help seniors get the proper dental care they need.

The Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program is a government-funded dental care program for seniors over the age of 65. Coverage includes checkups, including scaling, fluoride and polishing, repairing broken teeth and cavities, x-rays, removing teeth or abnormal tissue (oral surgery), anesthesia, treating infection and pain (endodontic services), and treating gum conditions and diseases (periodontal services).

Bad oral health can lead to pain and infection, which can cause us or our loved ones to seem grumpy or moody when they’re just in a lot of pain. Many people find it embarrassing to admit their teeth are in bad shape and will avoid seeing a dentist due to shame or fear of dental treatments. Be gentle with yourself and your loved ones. Approach your loved ones with understanding and compassion towards their situation.

The low-income program limits specific dental procedures, so you’ll have to talk with your dentist about coverage when booking an appointment. If you’re looking for more information on the program, visit Ontario.ca and search for the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program to see if you or your loved one may be eligible.
