Empowering our Seniors

Empowering our Seniors

When people retire, their lives aren’t quite as busy as they once were, and they have much more time to do the things they take pride and pleasure in. Whether they live in their own home or in an assisted living facility, there are things we can encourage seniors to do to keep them busy and feel empowered. Helping them find a purpose or giving them an opportunity to help others can make them feel good. It gives them a reason to get up, get dressed and have a good day. Seniors are more likely to stay happy and healthy if they have something to look forward to daily.

One idea to suggest to a loved one is knitting or crocheting scarves, hats, and mittens for children in need. This gives our seniors a reason to pick up a new hobby and give back to the community. Many local churches in most areas would be happy to accept donations for warm winter items to give to kids and adults in need throughout the community. You could also ask the senior in your life to do something realistic within their abilities to help the family or the community and help them feel needed. Many seniors are usually happy to help.

At MLP, we have a seasonal garden that needs tending to. One of our residents always takes time from her weekend to ensure the garden gets watered daily. This helps our activities coordinator and the other residents who reside here who may not have the same capabilities, as they don’t have to worry about the garden drying up. She also loves to harvest the crops when they are ready for picking, keeping her busy with things that need to be completed in those warmer months.

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