Dear MLP Family Members;
The past few months have been very difficult for us all, yet we have seen an amazing
expression of support for one another. I am comforted by the compassion that is being
displayed and remain enthused by how we are all living the motto, “we are in this together”.
For all of us, the past few months have been unlike anything we have witnessed in our lifetime.
Yet each day, I am inspired by the resilience and fortitude of both our respected residents and
our awesome and dedicated team members. As we forge ahead towards returning to “normal
operations”, I am confident that we shall be able to look back at this time and be gratified that
we made the best of a difficult situation with utmost empathy and consideration.
As the number of COVID-19 cases in our Province continues to decline, our health care
partners and Management at MLP Residence continue to work together to ensure safe and
graduated re-opening of our operations. As we continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis
and develop a comprehensive and detailed plan, designed to protect the safety and well-being
of all our residents and team members, our General Manager is committed to providing these
details and updates to all of our residents and their families by way of emails and telephone
We are delighted that we can now allow family visits, albeit with restrictions, indoors. We know
how challenging it has been for residents and families to be apart over these past few months;
and are aware how rewarding and wonderful it is to permit families back. In this regard, MLP
Residence shall continue to provide information directly to you with regards to the visitation
policies, as they evolve, as well as specifics on overall re-opening initiatives in our Community.
As many of you are aware, we chose to test every resident and team member at MLP for
COVID-19 in early May, and then again, this month. We are pleased to state that all members of
our Community were negative for the virus both times. The great progress we have made is a
testament to the diligent efforts of our team in following the policies and protocols required to
fight the threat of this dangerous virus. It is also a testament to the support and compliance of all
our residents and their family members (respecting our visitation protocols).
I am looking forward to the day when we can meet in person to share our appreciation and
begin our return to usual operating conventions. Until such time, I wish you all good health and
my gratitude for your continued support.